Enemy at the Gates (2001)
Genre: Action, Drama, Romance, Thriller, War Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud IMDB rating 7.30 / 10 Enemy at the Gates - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: 1940s, assault, based on true story, betrayal, blood bath, blood splatter, boat, boy, child murder, cigarette, crystal chandelier, death, death of child, destiny, double agent, execution, explosion, factory, fragments of glass, hanged boy, hanged child, hero, heroism, jealousy, letter, loss of friend, major, massacre, mud, nazi, nazi officer, nazism, newspaper, political officer, premarital sex, propaganda, rifle, ruins, russia, russian, severed arm, severed leg, sharpshooter, shot in the chest, shot in the ear, shot in the forehead, shot in the hand, shot in the head, shot in the neck, shot to death, sniper, stalingrad, suicide, torture, violence, warehouse, wwii, young boy, young spy |
Taglines: A battle between two nations became a conflict between two men.A hero never chooses his destiny. His destiny chooses him.A single bullet can change history.Helden w�hlen ihr Schicksal nie selbst, das Schicksal w�hlt sie! [German]Some Men Are Born To Be Heroes. nEemy at the GatesEenmy at the GatesEnmey at the GatesEneym at the GatesEnem yat the GatesEnemya t the GatesEnemy ta the GatesEnemy a tthe GatesEnemy att he GatesEnemy at hte GatesEnemy at teh GatesEnemy at th eGatesEnemy at theG atesEnemy at the aGtesEnemy at the GtaesEnemy at the GaetsEnemy at the GatseEnemy at the Gatsenemy at the GatesEemy at the GatesEnmy at the GatesEney at the GatesEnem at the GatesEnemyat the GatesEnemy t the GatesEnemy a the GatesEnemy atthe GatesEnemy at he GatesEnemy at te GatesEnemy at th GatesEnemy at theGatesEnemy at the atesEnemy at the GtesEnemy at the GaesEnemy at the GatsEnemy at the GateEEnemy at the GatesEnnemy at the GatesEneemy at the GatesEnemmy at the GatesEnemyy at the GatesEnemy at the GatesEnemy aat the GatesEnemy att the GatesEnemy at the GatesEnemy at tthe GatesEnemy at thhe GatesEnemy at thee GatesEnemy at the GatesEnemy at the GGatesEnemy at the GaatesEnemy at the GattesEnemy at the GateesEnemy at the Gatess Plot: During the WWII battle of Stalingrad, two snipers, a Russian (Law), and a German (Harris), are locked in a battle of wills and marksmenship, while the Russian is boosted to the status of hero by a political official (Fiennes). |
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