Monday, May 26, 2008

Pi�ero (2001) -

Pi�ero (2001)

Genre: Biography, Drama

Director: Leon Ichaso

IMDB rating 6.30 / 10

Pi�ero - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: big city life, cannabis, creativity, heroin, independent film, jail, latino, poetry, prison life, reading, street life, transvestite


Plot: "Pi�ero" tells the story of the explosive life of a Latino icon, the poet-playwright-actor Miguel Pi�ero, whose urban poetry is recognized as a pre-cursor to rap and hip-hop. After doing time in hard-core Sing-Sing for petty thefts and drug dealing, Pi�ero's prison experiences developed into the 1974 Tony-nominated play Short Eyes. The resulting notoriety and fame was too much for the Latino bad-boy genius who retreated to the darker corners of New York City.